Friday, 15 August 2008
Cerebus Version-1 for 4.01m33 by Dliug
Use CTF with cxmb 3.2.x
Dliug :
Some known issues and things to be done:-
- 12 hr clock shifts to the left, so select 24 hr clock instead in "date and time" settings.
(might change offset location in next version)
- mute and hold icons overlap the date. will be fixed later...
- only 1 pic in the 01-12.bmp but will add more later...
- game, picture loading icons need to be done
- menu icons need to be improved
- battery needs to be improved
- need to add infobars
Thanks to all the people who gave support:-
- vegetano1 for his generous support and ongoing help
- marc22 for his help and rco/prx stuff
- xanderchaos, osnap1584, follower and anyone else who I asked a question in PM.
Download Cerebus Psp themes (CTF)
Posted by
4.01psp themes,
CTF PSP Themes,
Custom PSP Themes,