Tuesday 25 March 2008 at 10:20 |  
How to Download Mp3 to Psp in 3 Quick Steps

Find a way to download MP3 for PSP is one of the easiest things you never do, not what this is really so! PSP is a great thing, you can play movies, and it even surfing the Internet, but the good news is that if you do not know how these things? Sit back and relax while I show you how to download MP3 for PSP.

How to download MP3 to PSP Step 1

If you have songs stored on your computer as MP3 will no longer be necessary to do so, but if you do not need software to do some "RIP" music from CDs and saves them to your computer. Many teams have this program as a standard, but if you do not just make a quick search Google, it is not very difficult to find MP3 software these days.

How to download MP3 to PSP step 2

Even if you already have songs as MP3 files that you do not want to complete this step, but if they do not like MP3, as it is to use software to convert it to MP3. Insert the CD into your computer and use software to break with any songs you want. This does not take a long time.

How to download MP3 to PSP step 3

Regarding mp3 download on PSP, you need on your computer to your PSP using the USB-cable. Leave a PSP to leave while you do this, and turn it on once the connection has been established. Next, you need a folder Memory Stick for the PSP for music. You can use whatever you want, as long as insider from the PSP folder named music. How to download MP3 for PSP from there, simply copy the music you want, and paste it into the folder you just created.

It is easy to learn how to download mp3 on PSP is really very easy to use now!

How to transfer MP3 to your psp

Your PSP can play MP3 songs from the field, and it sounds great! I have both iPod and 20G Sony Viao music player that uses Attrac format and i must say, PSP music playback has the best sound quality.

For MP3 play on your PSP, you will need :

* A big enough memory stick duo. The 32 Mb that comes with your psp will only fit a few songs. To really make it practical, i recommend that you try and find 1G memory stick. If you look hard enough, you'll be able to find one for about 0

* You also need a mini-USB (USB A to USB Mini-B)-cable or memory stick card reader to access the memory stick card from your computer.

1st Connect the device memory stick

If you use a memory card reader, I think you know how to do it. If you have a USB cable, simply plug the cable into your PSP and Windows detects the new drive.

2nd Copies your music into the folder named "MUSIC" inside the "PSP" folder.

In memory stick, it should already have a folder named "PSP", if that does not happen, you haven't been playing any games! Inside the PSP folder, find the folder called "Music". If not, do not worry, simply create a new one.

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Well, just copy the MP3 song in the "Music" folder, and you're done. You can also create folders inside the "Music" folder, put your songs there.

Mp3 Playback Tips

* In order to save battery life, you can change the screen by pressing the button switch the brightness of more than 1 second.
* Click the triangle to see other options such as repeat mode and technology assistance.

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Posted by zahirah Labels:
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